Talk about
pointless news. Here is a story that would not have been covered if it was not about someone "famous".
Octomom is at it again it seems in a child welfare claim because her son showed up to school with a black eye and bite marks. Come on now! Young kids get banged up all the time at that age. When my sister was in preschool, she was at home and tripped over the dresser and gave herself two black eyes. My mom claimed that she was terrified to bring her to school because she feared that someone would call
DYFS on her. Do you want to know what happened? Absolutely nothing. If it was any other kid in that class I bet that nothing would have come of it either. But because
Octomom is the new household name, she just keeps making the news.
As for the bite marks, I used to work in a daycare where I was in charge of the
pre-toddlers. It was almost expected that someone would get bitten each week. This is just how children are. They play dirty. Why should
Octomom get all of this exposure?
Do I think that this type of news is good for America...absolutely not. It just takes up space. We could be talking about stories that can actually have an impact in our the economy, the war, world affairs, what's happening in our government (local or federal). But no, people would rather watch this "light" news that will most likely never have an affect on them. The media should really cut back on stories like these and leave the room for more important news.
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